Frequently asked questions

Why should I choose the CFGD workplace?

CFGD is a leading centre in the field of prenatal, gynecological, children’s gynecology and breast diagnostic ultrasound in Slovakia. For more than 6 years we have offered clients top-notch diagnostics in the areas of pregnancy, sterility, and gynecological tumour diseases with the use of high-end ultrasound equipment.

What kind of results does CFGC achieve in the diagnosis of chromosomal
defects in foetuses?

Up to now (the end of 2016) we at CFGD have by genetic ultrasound examination in the 2nd trimester cancelled nearly 1100 positive biochemical screenings (triple test, double test, etc.) for Down Syndrome. These clients no longer had to proceed to amniocentesis or even NIPT (Trisomy test, PRENASCAN etc.). At the same time we have thus far found more than 55 serious chromosomal abnormalities and 20 genetic syndromes in a timely fashion during pregnancy, 50% of them in women younger than 35 years old.

Is ultrasound during pregnancy safe?

Yes, but it is essential to use it only for the purpose of medical diagnosis with high regard for the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle. This answer comes also from the position regarding the safety of ultrasound of international and domestic companies, such as ISUOG, AIUM, BMUS, WFUMB, EFSUMB, CSUM and SSUM.

Why oncogynecological ultrasound diagnostics at CFGD?

The portfolio of our examinations to a high measure focuses on the primary detection and the staging description of female tumour diseases. Over the past 5 years we have caught dozens of ovarian, uterine, cervical and breast cancers. Examinations are based on IETA and IOTA rules and our long-term experience, as well to close professional cooperation and operational cooperation with the largest oncogynecological centres: Apolináře, VFN Prague in the Czech Republic. Thanks to this our pre-surgical ultrasound description – the staging of tumour diseases of the female genital tract approaches 90% specificity and sensitivity. These results are comparable to MRI examinations and with certain types of tumour diseases the USG examination is more precise.

Why in the question of fertility – subfertility seek out in the first step CFGD rather than an IVF centre?

Ten percent of the female population suffers polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and impassability of the fallopian tubes is behind nearly 50% of the causes of female infertility. We carry out diagnostics of the mentioned problems from the very first visit. At the same time IVF centres don’t offer management of PCOS in the first step, which also show a pregnancy-rate per cycle of 5.2% after stimulation of management of the ovarian cycles of these clients. The completely negligible risk of hyperstimulation syndrome is also an advantage.

First-trimester screening (the combined test) vs. NIPT (Trisomy test, PRENASCAN, Harmony test,...)?

With primary selection of screening for chromosomal abnormalities by NIPT only, the client loses the opportunity to detect another 20% of the chromosomal abnormalities of the foetus, where at the same time the detection of trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) also remains disputed. Last but not least, NIPT doesn’t inform about structural defects of the foetus, other genetic syndromes, risks of preeclampsia, growth retardation for the foetus, and risks for premature birth. In short, the stated “pros and cons" speak in favour of first-trimester screening.

Why first-trimester screening (the combined test) at CFGD?

We are the only centre in Slovakia that offers a multiple marker combined test with a calculation of the risks using the Fetal Medicine Foundation ( accredited software Astraia®. The annual audit of our results by the organization Fetal Medicine Foundation guarantees you a positive predictive value of the test of over 20% and a negative predictive value of the test of over 99.9%. The audit of our results runs in the mentioned organizations each year, and at the same time we are the only such FMF-certified workplace in Slovakia which routinely performs CVS (biopsy of chorionic villi) or AMC (amniocentesis) examinations.

What is the benefit of discovering a congenital development defects of a foetus for childbirth?

Congenital birth defects (CBD) that are not diagnosed before birth can lead to the development of symptoms and problems later or early new-born age. These problems can have from permanent to fatal consequences. Prenatal detection of CBD at the same time creates space for management of a decision for the possibility of internal uterine treatment of certain CBD, or their timely treatment after birth at specialized workplaces.

Is ultrasound from my family/general gynecologist sufficient for the detection of VVCH in pregnancy?

With this question it is important that the mother be aware that statistically 1 of 33 foetuses is affected by a certain structural abnormality, only that the majority of them are unknown. However, serious CBD require a detailed description for planning the most ideal management (examples are CBD of the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs...). At the same time a specialized morphological ultrasound examination is, compared to a basic one, supplemented by the detection of signs of chromosomal abnormalities, complex echocardiography, a neuroscan, Doppler metric measurements and the application of 3D/4D diagnostic modalities.

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