Pregnancy consulting
Pregnancy consultancy “Step-by-step”
Examination | When | Why |
Initial gynecological examination |
6+0 – 8+6 week of pregnancy Determining vitality of the foetus | Determining of a vital intrauterine pregnancy, exclusion of ectopic pregnancy or a silent miscarriage. Cytological eventual coloscopy examination of the cervix |
Routine blood examination |
9+0 – 11+0 week of pregnancy First prenatal consultation | Initial laboratory examination – determining blood group and blood screening of the mother, Rh examination for anti-erythrocyte antibodies, serological examination of infection parameters for hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV, rubeola, toxoplasmosis, CMV and parvovirus B19. Possible examination of function of the thyroid gland. |
PAPP-A and free-beta hCG blood examination of combined test | 9+0 – 11+0 week of pregnancy | Optimum for the sampling of blood for first-trimester screening (combined test) for Down Syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations is in the 10+0 – 11+0 week of pregnancy, of course, performed up to the 13+6 week of pregnancy |
Combined test | 11+0 – 13+6 week of pregnancy | Ultrasound screening in the first trimester FMF by a certified doctor and with determining of the measure of possible risk of disability by Down Syndrome calculated in the Astraia software or ViewPoint (registered software FMF- Fetal Medicine Foundation) |
Biochemical screening |
15+0 – 16+6 week of pregnancy
(14+0 – 21+6) | Biochemical screening of the risk of Down Syndrome of a foetus, the so-called Triple test (if you had the combined testdone, this examination will not be recommended to you) |
Druhotrimestrálny ultrazvukový skríning | 18+0 – 22+6 week of pregnancy | Specialised morphological ultrasound examination of the foetus |
3D/4D baby-facing | Throughout the entire pregnancy, optimum: 18+0 – 32+0 | 3D/4D ultrasound commercial visualization of the foetus |
Detection of pregnancy diabetes | 24+0 – 28+6 week of pregnancy | oGTT – examination for glycaemia while hungry and after exertion. A blood screening, examination of anti-erythrocyte antibodies, repeated examination of antibodies for syphilis and toxoplasmosis are also added to the examination in the given weeks of pregnancy |
Treťotrimestrálny ultrazvukový skríning včasnej rastovej retardácie plodu | 28+0 – 31+6 week of pregnancy | Specialized ultrasound screening for early growth retardation of foetus and flows |
Treťotrimestrálny ultrazvukový skríning neskorej rastovej retardácie plodu | 32+0 – 34+6 week of pregnancy | Specialized ultrasound screening for late growth retardation of foetus and flows |
Screening GBS+ | 35+0 week of pregnancy | Microbiological examination from the vagina for detection of streptococcus group B (GBS) |