Genetic ambulatory office
Tumour genetics
Oncological diseases occur often in the population, but only about 10% of them (in children 15-20%) arise on the basis of a heritable predisposition. The aim of the genetic investigation is to specify the risk of tumour diseases and at the same time to determine whether predisposition for a heritable tumour occurs in a family and with the given result subsequently recommend a suitable prevention.
- in the case of diagnosis of a tumour disease when the illness occurred in a young age
- with various types of tumour diseases in a patient
- with the occurrence of both-sided tumours in paired organs (ovaries, kidneys, etc.)
- with repeated occurrence at the same time of tumour disease in the family (e.g. breast cancer, colon cancer, etc.)
- with combinations of certain types of tumours in close relatives (carcinoma of the breast and ovary, carcinoma of the intestine and the uterus, etc.)
You’ll be informed about the possibilities for genetic examination through the CFGD receptionist and by your general practitioner or primary gynecologist.
The aim of the examination is to identify a patient and a family with a congenital predisposition for certain types of tumours, to specify the oncological risk for members in a family with a lot of oncology history and to recommend appropriate prevention in such families.
Through a genetic consultation, we determine a detailed medical history of the patient, whether personal or family (at least three generations).
In this way, we determine important information about the type of tumour disease, the age at which the diagnosis was determined and the results of the histological examination.
On the basis of the analysis of these data, we determine whether a molecular genetic examination, i.e. testing for predisposition genes, is indicated in the patient or her relatives. Genetic testing is most optimal to start in a family member with a pre-existing tumour disease.
The results of the examination are subsequently explained to the patient and her family in the final genetic consultation, with the expression of oncological risk and the proposal of preventive measures.
To assign the patient to special follow-up programs from a younger age so that we are able to eventually diagnose any tumour disease. Designing of preventive surgical solutions to reduce the risk of disease manifestations; with some types of predispositions it’s necessary to modify the treatment of tumours itself and at the same time there is a possibility of pre-implantation genetic diagnostics to eliminate the transmission of the predisposition to following generations.
If a congenital predisposition to a tumour is demonstrated in the patient, we offer a related test, a so-called predictive test that determines whether or not family members are carriers of this gene mutation. The outcome of tests of the whole family will determine their oncological risk. Predictive tests are mostly performed in adulthood and only in exceptional cases in children (depending on the expected age of possible disease manifestation).