3D/4D ultrasound
Ultrasound of the breasts – mammography
At CFGD we offer clients a form of the most exact mammosonagraphy screening for breast cancer. Using top high-end ultrasound equipment and a linear probe of the type GE ML6-15-D Matrix Linear Probe we catch each year dozens of tumour diseases of the breast and its adjacent regions (armpits, lower neck area...). In the mentioned imaging we also use a new method of examination of the breasts by form of elastography, which significantly contributes to the specification of the entire sonographic examination.
Ultrasound of the breasts – mammography
At CFGD we offer clients a form of the most exact mammosonagraphy screening for breast cancer. Using top high-end ultrasound equipment and a linear probe of the type GE ML6-15-D Matrix Linear Probe we catch each year dozens of tumour diseases of the breast and its adjacent regions (armpits, lower neck area...). In the mentioned imaging we also use a new method of examination of the breasts by form of elastography, which significantly contributes to the specification of the entire sonographic examination.
Ultrasound screening for breast cancer
The occurrence of a malignant breast tumour is in general one of the most important indicators of the health condition of the female population. Unfortunately, the development of the incidence of this malignant disease in the Slovak Republic has a rising trend. At the same time malignant breast disease represents the most common type of cancer in women in this country.
With ultrasound screening for breast cancer we search for the risks or disease of a patient among the population of seemingly healthy women without symptoms of illness. Even though the promotion of self-examination of breasts in patients has helped increase the capture of disease, it’s not enough to capture it early!!! Timely capture is, however, a key for successful therapy of malignant breast diseases.
We carry out the mentioned examination in women at age 18 or older in the course of preventive gynecological check-ups or outside of them.
We conduct the examination with the most modern linear matrix breast probe (ML 6-15-D Matrix Linear Array, GE-Healthcare), which enables high quality imaging even with the largest of breasts. We put high emphasis on clients with familiar risk for breast cancer, because in Slovakia 5 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed on average each day and not only in menopause age. In nearly 10% of clients with diagnosed ovary cancer or breast cancer this is an inherited form arising in consequence of the presence of a gene mutation (BRCA1 nearly 60% of cases and BRCA2 nearly 40% of cases).
In women, bearers of the “heritable” mentioned mutations, there is more than 40% probability of the origin of breast cancer up to 40 years of age, and the risk increases with age up to 85%. At the same time in these women the risk of ovarian cancer arising increases several fold. Characteristic traits of the inherited form of breast cancer are: family prevalence, low age of start of illness, tumour occurring in both ovaries or breasts and the occurrence of breast cancer in men and the occurrence of other types of carcinoma. Here at CFGD we place high emphasis and importance on indication management for genetic DNA analysis of the BRCA genes. The intensified search management for women with a BRCA mutation enables us to a significant measure to identify clients with high risk of the origin of ovarian and breast cancer. In this way we provide clients a more intensive dispensation, and we individualize the plan for preventive check-ups. The aim of these intensive preventive check-ups is to avoid tumour disease or uncover them at the earliest possible stadium.
What is it for?
To obtain greater certainty in the prevention of breast cancer, we offer you through GE Healthcare the most modern imaging approach with ultrasound examinations. According to the IBUS (International Breast Ultrasound School) and the NHS UK Breast Screening Programme, with the help of 3D ultrasound with elastography and Doppler metric vascular mapping ultrasound, the catching of tumours can be increased by nearly 15%. For the given reasons we at the Centre of Foetal and Gynecological Diagnostics have introduced this approach, and in standard 2D, 3D examinations we also add elastography and Doppler metric vascular imaging of breast tissue.
Breast elastography is the newest ultrasound technique, which brings more extensive information in regard to breast lesions (cysts, tumours…) versus conventional ultrasound and mammography. Elastography helps determine the density or hardness of a lesion in an exact localization of the breast. Elastography scanning itself lasts about 3-4 minutes and brings a great deal more information. The biggest advantage of elastography itself is help in differentiating benign from malignant tumours. Elastography versus mammography or conventional 2D ultrasound examination significantly reduced the necessity of carrying out a biopsy of the breast, i.e. the sampling of breast tissue using a special needle for histological examination.
Coloured Doppler metric and 3D power complementary significantly helps in differentiating benign breast tumours. This is due to the fact that malignant masses of the breast often show increased blood flow with abnormal vascular architecture in comparison with benign tumours. Thus, 3D ultrasound scanning of tumour masses allows us thorough analysis of their structures.